OPEN SPANsite-specific installationNth111 Holden St, Fitzroy NorthApril 22 - May 6, 2017'Open Span' encourages us to reflect on how we negotiate and move around the compressed and often contested space of a white cube. A constructed-on-site sculpture occupies most of the available space of this intimate gallery (i.e., a 3 x 6 metre MDF box, constructed within the old science lab of a decommissioned state school).To enter the space through one of the two adjacent doors means one is immediately implicated in the work. A strategic positioning of the sculpture divides the gallery into two almost equal halves. To satisfactorily view the work, one must pass under the extended arm of the piece, thus furthering our complicity with it.While political concerns of space are central to this work, there is also a deeper internal logic at play: one predicated on notions of the body and gesture, and; one which repels against the restrictive connotation of the inherent staticity of minimalist sculpture.